Do you need help with your Policies?

Network and Listening event: Do you need help with your Policies? CVS are hosting a Free Workshop to meet other organisations and discuss any needs relating to policies.

Are you a provider of extra-curricular activities?

Do you wish there were more extra-curricular activities on offer for children aged 5-18? Or do you provide activities but need more funding? Have your say! Cumbria Community Foundation are conducting research into the local offer in the Furness area and need your help to understand if there are any gaps in provision. If you […]

Funding Areas

Funding Areas for Sir John Fisher Foundation Our Trustees have defined areas where we will fund in the Barrow In Furness area and Furness Peninsula. Please see map on Our Funding page for further details. Here you can zoom and identify postcode areas, with thanks to Google MyMaps.

What was happening 84 years ago today? 23 April 1940

What was happening 84 years ago today? 23 April 1940 The official launch of Sea Fisher, 23 April 1940 We have uncovered from our archive the celebratory photos of Sea Fisher launch on 23 April 1940, 84 years ago. This vessel was designed to carry gun-turrets, the largest class of battleships, she also designed so […]

Safeguarding Training in South Cumbria

Safeguarding Training in South Cumbria Cumbria CVS are facilitating free Safeguarding Training in April 2024. This is a great opportunity to refresh knowledge of the expectations for Safeguarding Adults in Cumbria. Too often it is assumed that Safeguarding relates to children, however vulnerable adults also require support. The Charity Commission expect Safeguarding to be everyone’s […]

2024 May Meeting

2024 May Meeting Our 1st March deadline has passed, meaning we are busy bees working through all of the applications for our May meeting. Thank you to all who applied and we will be busy making our checks and processing all applications. The outcomes and grant awards will likely be released during the the first […]

Small Grants Meeting Completed

A girl picking up items from the beach with the sea in view

Small Grants Meeting Completed And we are off! The first Small Grants Meeting of the year has commenced and all beneficiaries have now been sent their outcome. All grants awarded were to benefit charitable organisations helping the people of Barrow and the Furness Peninsula. The next deadline is 1st March for grants up to £20,000, […]

New Lift at Ostley House Care Home, Barrow

New Lift at Ostley House Care Home, Barrow Sir John Fisher Foundation were invited to the unveiling of the new lift at Ostley House, Barrow. Ostley House is a care home for those with visual impairment and dementia This project started in 2019 and today was unveiled by the president of Vision Support, with support […]

Trustee Vacancies

We are looking for new trustees to come aboard! Sir John Fisher Foundation is looking for up to two new trustees to join it’s board.This is an excellent opportunity to join the board of a major local funder in South Cumbria. You will be joining the Foundation at an exciting time as we finalise and […]

November Grants

The November Grants meeting is now complete, we now welcome new applicants for 2024.